Felicia Ferrone, Mortlach Whisky

Felicia Ferrone, Clinical Associate Professor & Faculty Lead of BDes Industrial Design, was chosen by Mortlach Whisky as one of six designers to create a unique product and experience for the brand.

About the design:

“The glass is named Cowie, after the founders of Mortlach. The glass itself explores both positive and negative space. It’s two cylinders that intersect. and through that it allows for this experience of really savoring with your eyes the color of the whisky, as well as being able to really open it up as you swirl it, because it gets to interact against both walls of the glass. this glass—with essentially a hole in the middle—strikes that balance of something that is audacious. it’s the unconventional, the unexpected, and yet it’s functional. Design should really be that.”

For more information, please visit Mortlach by Design. Images and quote from Mortlach.