
Your academic advisor will be Kevin Strickland ( He can answer questions you may have about program requirements, course planning, school resources, navigating personal issues in relation to graduate school, etc. Felicia Ferrone (ID), Cheryl Towler-Weese (GD) are the Directors of Graduate Studies. They provide oversight of the graduate programs and become involved in student-specific issues as necessary. Brian Anderson is the DIrector of the MDes Preliminary Year program.

One-on-one advising meetings are not required for graduate students, but Kevin available over email or to meet in person once we return to in-person instruction. For now, he am available via email or voice chat on Slack/Zoom. If you want to chat, please let request an appointment via email.

Kevin's office is located within the main School of Design administrative offices on the first floor of the ADS building, in Room 1300.