The Era Hofmann
Armin Hofmann (*1920) is considered one of the most influential graphic designers in Switzerland. With his extensive design practice and educational oeuvre, he has contributed to the international reputation of Swiss graphic design and a reflective approach to visual communication. From 1947 to 1986, Hofmann trained design students at the former Kunstgewerbeschule Basel, and as a guest lecturer abroad. Together with his teacher colleagues, he developed trend-setting educational models that were implemented internationally and are still influential today. On the occasion of his 100th anniversary on June 29th of this year, the Institute of Visual Communication at the FHNW Academy of Art and Design, in collaboration with the Schule für Gestaltung Basel and Alliance Graphique Internationale (AGI), is organizing exhibitions and events dedicated to the Hofmann era from various perspectives. Live stream this two day event celebrating Armin's 100th birthday hosted by Visual Communication Institute of FHNW HGK Basel. Professor Philip Burton will participate in the Alumni Day roundtable 9:00am Thursday, October 29.