
Pedro Neves


Pedro Neves
Clinical Assistant Professor
​Faculty Lead, BS Computer Science + Design

MDes Graphic Design, University of Illinois Chicago
MAS Visual Communication, Basel School of Design
BA Design and Multimedia, University of Coimbra

Pedro Neves holds a joint appointment between the UIC School of Design and Morningstar, a global financial investment research company headquartered in Chicago. To each organization Pedro brings expertise in the emerging practices of digital media design. The focus of his creative work is on dynamic data visualization, computationally responsive typography, and creative coding. With a deep interest in technology and typography, from letterpress to creative coding (Processing, Basil.JS, DrawBot), his approach explores the potential of digital and logical creative processes, when applied to traditional typesetting and graphic design methodologies. 

Pedro has worked as a designer for different design studios around the world (CoDe Zürich, 2x4 New York, Studio Dobra), while continuing to develop personal projects. He has taught and lectured on the creative integration of design and technology in Portugal, Switzerland, and the United States. From 2017–2019 he worked in the archive of Wolfgang Weingart, documenting and archiving the typographic experiments carried out by his students and himself between 1968–2010 at the Basel School of Design.