BDes Graphic Design or Industrial Design: Instructions


You are required to submit the following materials to your personal Box folder:

  • PORTFOLIO: A Foundation student's portfolio for the BDes program is comprised of the following 6 course books produced during the Foundation Year:

    • DES 120, DES 130, DES 140, DES 150, DES 160, DES 170

      • Materials to produce each Foundation course book should be provided by your section instructor. All course book cover templates/fonts are also available in this Box folder. Be sure to update each book cover with your information. Please email your instructor if you are missing anything, or feel free to contact the course coordinator if the instructor isn’t available—contact information can be found on Foundation Review Instructions.

      • Each course book should be a separate multi-page PDF.

  • WRITTEN STATEMENT: Your statement should be a separate single-page PDF, based on the following appropriate writing prompt:

    • PROMPT for BDes Graphic Design: Describe your motivation to study Graphic Design and why a career in this field is right for you.​​

    • PROMPT for BDes Industrial Design: Select something you interact with daily (e.g., toothbrush, tea kettle, bank app, etc.) and describe its design features, along with specific strengths and weaknesses. Please include a well-composed photo of your choice to help support your writing.

      • The file naming format must follow: LastName_FirstName_UIN_DegreeProgram (e.g., Doe_John_123456789_BDesID).

      • The statement should be 300-400 words in length, 12-point font, double-spaced.

      • Include your full name and UIN at the top of the page.


All interviews will be held in our A+DS building on Fri Apr 26. Each interview can take up to 10 minutes, so please plan accordingly.

Links to Foundation Review Handouts: BDes Graphic Design or BDes Industrial Design