MDes Graphic Design Basel

Hello New and Continuing Basel Students!

Below, you will see courses categorized by your year in the program. Please enroll in these courses using the 5-digit Course Registration Numbers (CRNs) listed in parenthesis beside each course. Please note that to be fully registered, you must enter all CRNs listed by each course.

For those of you who have not registered at UIC before, you may refer these instructions linked below. 

UIC Registration Instructions

I strongly recommend that you follow the instructions for registering by CRN (Course Registration Number) rather than trying to manually look up the classes as it will be much easier. The CRNs are 5-digit numbers listed along with each course number. 


If you are unsure whether you are a first-, second-, or third-year graduating student, please confirm with Theodore Davis.


First-year Basel Students:

DES 520 (36784, 36785)

DES 510 (36782, 36783)

DES 500 (36778, 36779)

DES 501 (36780, 36781)

Second-year Basel Students:

DES 520 (36784, 36785)

DES 450 (48509, 48510)

DES 500 (36778, 36779)

DES 540 (36786, 36787) 

Graduating (Third-year) Basel Students:

DES 502 (37957, 37958)

DES 597 (36135)

If you are graduating Fall 2024, you need to apply to graduate by filling out the online Intent to Graduate Form between August 26th and September 6th or you will not graduate or receive your UIC diploma until the following Spring. Additional instructions for submitting the Intent to Graduate Form via the MyUIC website may be found at this link and this link.

If you have lost access to your student account (NetID)or wish to verify that your submitted intent to graduate form was received, you may find out how to do both of these things at this link. You may also confirm the address you wish your diploma to be sent to from this page.



  • If you cannot complete your registration, please email a screenshot of the error/issue to Kevin Strickland for assistance. 
  • It is possible that you may not be able to complete this registration process if you have outstanding application materials. If you have missing items on your admission checklist, you will need to send them to the UIC Graduate Admission office ASAP. If you are not sure if you are have submitted all the required application materials, you may email for confirmation.
  • Please know that you may be temporarily charged with fees and tuition but that should be removed from your account within a week or two. If you still have fees after three weeks, please email Kevin Strickland