Below, you will find a list of the courses you will take in the Fall semester. You must register for the exact sections listed. Please refer to the Information for Incoming Graduate Students page for additional registration instructions.
4 DES 230 Industrial Design II (CRNs: 36031, 36032)
4 DES 240 Visualization I (CRNs: 36039, 36040)
4 DES 500 Preliminary Year Combined Studio (CRNs: 38571 and 38572)
4 DES 520 Graduate Seminar/Elective*
*The School of Design will offer two sections of this course in the fall semester. The most up-to-date info on all CADA Graduate Electives is available via the CADA Graduate Electives link to the right. You may also take a 400-level or above undergraduate Design Elective, or a 520 course offered by the School of Art+Art History/School of Architecture if you prefer.
At least for this first semester, it is my recommendation that you choose a 520 course offered by the School of Design but if you find something else that is preferrable, you may discuss with the Director of the Preliminary Year Program, Brian Anderson.
16 credits
MDes Industrial Design + Preliminary Year Degree Planning Worksheet